ERC-funded Postdoctoral positions in observational and numerical studies of galaxies/CGM/IGM
within massive Cosmic Web nodes (CosmicWeb Project)
Two Postdoctoral Positions will be available in the COSMIB (Cosmic Structures at Milano Bicocca) research
group as a part of the ERC-funded "CosmicWeb" Project (PI: S. Cantalupo). The group research activities focus on
the exploration of Cosmic Structures at high redshift on different scales - from galaxies to the CircumGalactic
and Intergalactic Media - using both numerical models and multi-wavelength emission observations.
The latter include recently acquired or allocated, deep JWST, ALMA, Chandra, and MUSE datasets in addition to
optical and IR ground-based imaging.
We invite applications by candidates who are interested in both observational and/or numerical studies of CGM/IGM
emission and associated galaxies within massive Cosmic Web nodes and proto-clusters at high redshift. In particular,
the selected candidates will have the opportunity to exploit the rich and unique multi-wavelength dataset aquired by our group
in the last years on massive Cosmic Web nodes and proto-clusters at z~3 and/or high-resolution cosmological simulations. In-house HPC facilities as well as national HPC resources will be available to the successful
candidate(s) working on numerical projects.
Interested candidates are invited to follow the application procedure described here:
Call for Application (English)
Bando di concorso (Italian)
The application deadline is: December 21st, 12pm Milan time.
The position(s) will be available from February 2024 with the possibility of later starting dates.
The initial contract duration will be two years, with possible yearly extensions, with a tax-free salary.
The successful candidates should hold a PhD in astronomy, physics or related field by the starting date.
The position(s) include generous travel and research equipment allowances.
We particularly welcome candidates from traditionally underrepresented groups in academia.
For inquiries, please contact Prof.
Sebastiano Cantalupo
Two PhD positions in CGM/IGM observational and numerical studies (COSMIB Group)
Two PhD positions will be available in the COSMIB (Cosmic Structures at Milano Bicocca) research group as a part of ERC/FARE-funded projects
(PI: S. Cantalupo). The group research activities focus on the exploration of Cosmic Structures at high redshift on different scales
- from galaxies to the CircumGalactic and Intergalactic Media - using both numerical models and multi-wavelength emission observations.
The latter include recently acquired, deep JWST, ALMA, HST, Chandra and MUSE datasets in addition to
optical and IR ground-based imaging.
We invite applications by candidates who are interested in both observational and/or numerical studies of CGM/IGM
emission and associated galaxies at high redshift using this rich multi-wavelength dataset and/or high-resolution
cosmological simulations. In-house HPC facilities as well as national HPC resources will be available to the successful
candidate(s) working on numerical projects.
Interested candidates are invited to follow the application procedure described here and select the scholarship project FIS.7
(for observational oriented projects) and/or scholarship project FIS.8 (for numerically oriented projects):
Calls for Application
The application deadline is July 24th. For further information, contact:
Prof. Sebastiano Cantalupo
ERC-funded postdoctoral position in data analysis for the WEAVE survey
We would like to invite expression of interest in a postdoctoral position funded by the ERC FEEDGALAXIES
Michele Fumagalli) within the COSMIB group
in the Astrophysics Unit of the
Physics Department at the
University of Milano-Bicocca.
Candidate profile The successful candidate will become an active participant of the
WEAVE spectroscopic survey at the William Herschel Telescope and
will lead the development of tools for the identification, classification, and characterisation of absorption line systems in quasar spectra at moderate
resolution. We are thus seeking a candidate with a strong profile in data analysis, and in particular with expertise in machine learning including classification
and/or pattern recognition. The candidate will also be in a prime position to exploit the large and high-quality WEAVE sample for the study of the intergalactic
medium and circumgalactic medium and/or collaborate on several of the machine learning projects active within the Physics Department, including the detection
and characterisation of gravitational waves and medical imaging applications.
About WEAVE Prime science goals of the WEAVE-QSO working group include: probing foreground quasar absorption at z❯2 for the study of galaxy and
quasar environments (also with dedicated WEAVE IFU observations), the study of the inter/circum galactic medium, and mapping the large scale structure of the
Universe on scales up to the BAO scale using the Lya forest. WEAVE is expected to bring interesting and novel insight into absorption line systems thanks to
its combination of good S/N and resolution. At Milano-Bicocca, the successful candidate will join a lead node in WEAVE-QSO with focus on the study of absorption
line systems (ALSs) against background quasars, taking a prominent role both in the identification and analysis of ALSs and in the science exploitation of the results.
Astrophysics in Milano Bicocca Astrophysics at the University of Milan-Bicocca has been growing significantly in recent years: in the span of a couple
of years we gathered a young and energetic team of 10 faculty members, 4 of whom have ERCs. Through national and international funding, we are quickly growing
the number of postdocs and PhD students, and we expect to have over 25 researchers in post in the coming year. We are very active in theoretical, observational,
and experimental programmes in cosmology, black holes and gravitational waves, and the physics of galaxy evolution and cosmic structures. The group is leading
major observational and theoretical programmes at national and international facilities, also in collaboration with INFN (National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
and INAF (National Institute for Astrophysics). Members of the group are also active participants in several international collaborations, including the MUSE
consortium, the WEAVE collaboration, the LISA consortium, the Virgo Collaboration, the European and International pulsar timing array collaboration, the Simons
Observatory, the LiteBIRD satellite, and the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) experiment on the International Space Station.
Position details This position will be funded for 24 months by the ERC grant FEEDGALAXIES (PI Michele Fumagalli) with a competitive (tax free) salary
and a generous allowance for travels and research-related expenses. In-house HPC facilities as well as national HPC resources (including to the recently commissioned
GPU cluster Marconi-100 at Cineca) will be available to the successful candidate.
To express interest in this position, please send a CV and a brief (max 2 pages) statement of previous experience and future goals by November 26, 2021.
Also please arrange for two letters of reference to be received by the closing date. For all inquiries and to express interest in this opportunity, please
contact Prof. Michele Fumagalli at, specifying "WEAVE position" in the subject line. For further opportunities in
the COSMIB group, visit the
group website.
We welcome applications from everyone irrespective of gender, ethnic group, or nationality.
ERC-funded Postdoctoral positions in CGM/IGM studies with JWST (CosmicWeb Project)
At least two Postdoctoral Positions will be available in the COSMIB (Cosmic Structures at Milano Bicocca) research group
as a part of the ERC-funded "CosmicWeb" Project (PI: S. Cantalupo). The group research activities focus on the exploration
of Cosmic Structures at high redshift on different scales - from galaxies to the CircumGalactic and Intergalactic Media -
using both numerical models and multi-wavelength emission observations.
For the position(s) advertised here, we invite applications by candidates who are interested in supporting and exploiting
the allocated Cycle 1 JWST spectroscopic observations (PI: S. Cantalupo) of H-alpha emission from cosmic structures and associated
galaxies discovered with MUSE around high redshift quasars. The 24h of allocated JWST time will be complemented by allocated deep
Chandra (650ks) and ALMA observations (42h) of the same field(s), in addition to deep MUSE datasets.
Interested candidates are invited to send their CV (including publication list) and a brief research statement
(including previous experiences) by December 20, 2021 to the following email address:
specifying “JWST position” in the subject line. Three letters of reference should also be sent, directly by the referees,
to the same email address by the same date. Candidates will be considered until the positions are filled.
The position(s) will be available from Spring 2021 with the possibility of later starting dates. The initial contract duration will be
two years with possible yearly extensions. The successful candidates should hold a PhD in astronomy, physics or related field by
the starting date. The position(s) include generous travel and research equipment allowances.
Salary is around 50,000 EUR per year (tax free if transferring from abroad).
For inquiries about the positions, please contact Prof. Sebastiano Cantalupo using the email address:
ERC-funded Postdoctoral positions in CGM/IGM numerical studies (CosmicWeb Project)
At least two Postdoctoral Positions will be available in the COSMIB (Cosmic Structures at Milano Bicocca) research group
as a part of the ERC-funded "CosmicWeb" Project (PI: S. Cantalupo). The group research activities focus on the exploration
of Cosmic Structures at high redshift on different scales - from galaxies to the CircumGalactic and Intergalactic Media -
using both numerical models and multi-wavelength emission observations.
For the position(s) advertised here, we invite applications by candidates who are interested in numerical studies of CGM/IGM
emission at high redshift using high-resolution cosmological simulations and/or radiation-hydrodynamics. These studies will be compared
to new deep multi-wavelength observations (JWST, Chandra, ALMA, MUSE) of high-redshift CGM/IGM emission allocated to our COSMIB group members.
In-house HPC facilities as well as national HPC resources (including to the recently commissioned GPU cluster Marconi-100 at CINECA)
will be available to the successful candidate(s).
Interested candidates are invited to send their CV (including publication list) and a brief research statement
(including previous experiences) by December 20, 2021 to the following email address:
specifying “THEORY position” in the subject line. Three letters of reference should also be sent, directly by the referees,
to the same email address by the same date. Candidates will be considered until the positions are filled.
The position(s) will be available from Spring 2021 with the possibility of later starting dates. The initial contract duration will be
two years with possible yearly extensions. The successful candidates should hold a PhD in astronomy, physics or related field by
the starting date. The position(s) include generous travel and research equipment allowances.
Salary is around 50,000 EUR per year (tax free if transferring from abroad).
For inquiries about the positions, please contact Prof. Sebastiano Cantalupo using the email address:
Postdoctoral Positions in CGM/IGM Studies
(CosmicWeb Project)
At least three Postdoctoral Positions will be available in our
COSMIB research group as
a part of the ERC-funded "CosmicWeb" Project (PI:
S. Cantalupo). We are particularly interested in candidates
with the following interests and expertise:
- numerical simulations of cosmic structure formation on
both small and large scales
- Integral-Field spectroscopic observations at
high-redshift of galaxies and/or extended line emission
- multi-wavelength observations (radio, sub-mm, X-ray) of
high-redshift galaxies and/or AGN.
Interested candidates are
invited to send their:
- CV (including publication list) and
- brief research statement (including previous experiences and
future interests)
by January 15, 2021 to the following email
Three letters of reference should also be sent, directly by
the referees, to the same email address by the same date.
Candidates will be considered until the positions are filled.
The positions will be available from April 2021 with the
possibility of later starting dates. The initial contract
duration will be two years with possible yearly
extensions. The successful candidates should hold a PhD in
astronomy, physics or related field by the starting date. The
positions include generous travel and research equipment
allowances. Salary is around 50,000 EUR per year (tax free if transferring from abroad).
For inquiries about the positions, please contact Prof. Sebastiano Cantalupo using the email address: